Mathematics major requires 120 credit hours of courses in mathematics and other courses such as computer science.
This major has two concentrations: Pure Mathematics and Data Science
Click here for Pure Mathematics concentration sheet (all course list) (click here)
Math concentration offers following main courses:
- Calculus I, II, III
- Vector Analysis
- Differential Equations
- Linear Algebra
- Probability & Statistics
- Complex Variables
- Modern Algebra
- Numerical Analysis
*and other required/elective courses in Math and Computer Science
Job opportunity: Mathematician, Financial planner, Investment analyst, Statistician, Data Analyst, and Math Teacher in schools
Data Science Concentration(to be offered after program sheet has been set in the
Data Science concentration is under Math program, but more focusing on data requisition and analysis using Mathematics
Click here for Data Science concentration sheet (all course list) (Click Here)
Data Science concentration offers following main courses:
- Programming Languages (C++, Python)
- Probability & Statistics
- Database Systems
- Web Applications & E-commerce
- Data Mining and Machine Learning
- Operations Research
- Data Analysis
- Data Analytics
Job opportunity: Financial planner, Data Analyst, Business Intelligence (BI) Developer, Data Architect, Data Analyst, Data Engineer, etc.
Student Scholarship Information:
- President’s Excellence Scholarship
- Provost Scholar Scholarship
- University Scholar Scholarship
- Mississippi Community College Transfer Graduates Scholarship
For above scholarships, please visit Admissions/scholarship requirements website on the ASU main website
Department scholarship:
- NASA scholarship
- University Math Center Teaching Assistants
For the scholarships, please contact Dr. Ping Zhang, Chair of Mathematics and Computer Science, pg电子下载 State university, email:; phone: 601-877-6430